This website provides the user the list of some of the Alexion sites along with their Sitecore components. This site is basically to summarize some generic components created specifically for different sites. The user can find components details such as the purpose of the component, name of the component and fields, template and data source path and so on. Components for Alexion Sites should be editable on Sitecore Experience Editor, in order to achieve that goal, this components can be used as a starting point.

Category Name Heading Short Description Image Action
Generic Download Alexion.Feature.Download This component is used to download the component in the website. Details
Generic Error 404 Alexion.Feature.Error This is a component that is designed to display any error page to the user instead of displaying any exact error. Details
Generic Favicon Favicon This component is used to allow add favicon to the website. Details
Generic Login Alexion.Feature.Login This component is used to allow users to login to the website. Details
Generic Navigation Header Navigation This is Header navigation component designed for Get to know ahus. Details
Generic Search Alexion.Feature.Search This is a component that is designed to search the content in solr. Details
Generic Stay Connected Alexion.Feature.StayConnected This is the component that is used to store the information of the user. Details
Generic Logo Logo This is Logo component used for Alexion get to know ahus. Details
Generic Breadcrumb Breadcrumb This is breadcrumb component often located at the top of a page indicating where the user is on the site. Details
Generic Hero Banner Hero Banner This is a hero Banner Component Designed for site Details
Generic Title Title Title template Details
Generic Footer Footer This is a Footer Component Designed for site Details
Generic Carousel Case studies Carousel This is a Carousel component designed for Get to know Ahus Site. It Moved Left to right. Details
Generic Banner with Media Banner with Media This is a Banner with media Component Designed for site Details
Generic Cookie Banner Alexion.Feature.Article.CookieBanner This is a cookie banner component that can be used across the sites to store cookies on the client machine for better user experience. Details
Generic Hero with image Toggle Hero With image toggle This is a component that is designed for Alexion Details
Generic Icon Panel Icon Panel This is Panel component designed to display Data in the panel format. Details
Generic Global PopUp Global Modal PopUp This is a Pop up Component designed for site Details
Generic Connect PopUp Connect PopUp Template Connect PopUp Template Details
Generic Contact Us Block Contact Us Block This is a Contact Us block Component Designed for site Details